300* View of Kapilash temple is the attraction of this video. The video is taken during Shivratri, this year.- by #dreams2tell . The temple situated near Dhenkanal, Odisha is an ancient Shaivyapitha. This year nearly three lakhs of people gathered for offering their salutations on the occasion.Our visit to the site is always fruitful. Mahadev, the ultimate destroyer of the Universe, is the deity of present era. Mahadev is also known as Asutosh, who is pleased with His devotee very easily.We can beg any material and immaterial blessings in a little effort, at His feet. Kapilash is surrounded by mountains, fountains and all round natural scenery. Guest houses and vehicles are always available for the visitors. Two to five days stay may not be ruled out.
via YouTube https://youtu.be/Ty5gtb3aP8o