Seventy three percent of the internet users use different social media. Ninety percent of social media users are the youths of age between 18 and 29 years. Most of them express their views about different topics along with photos and videos. The increase in the use of cell phones and smart phones eases the activities in social media.
In order to motivate the youth during the coming elections, social media will play a vital role. All the political parties will depend on it undoubtedly. The days of door to door campaign, distribution of leaflets are gone. The survey process becomes easier. The most important thing is that one can reach a large audience with a single post. It takes less time, less effort and little or no cost. It can spread to millions of people through shares, re shares, tweets, re tweets, pins and re pins within no times. It is not only important to use social media in this context but also necessary.
Recently in the 5 states where election process ended, political parties using social media came out to be successful in comparisons to others.
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