And the softest, if you please,
But not a peaceful dreamless sleep,
A sound slumber of ease
The choicest works of the best authors,
You may get with your pelf
But the wealth of the world can’t make you be
A good author yourself
Your flourishing firms may will be equipped
With herds of brainy men
But where’s the wealth can make of you
A man of capable brain?
Wealth might buy you the service of doctors
And drugs conducive to health
But health itself you never can buy
In return for all your wealth.
You may have at table a sumptuous feast
With many a flavored dish
But where’s the can create in you
The appetite to relish!
Wealth can give you a thousand of friends,
Not one to give his life.
It can procure for you a hundred bed mates
Never a true loving wife!
Sure with wealth you can provide for self
A life of endless leisure
But where’s the wealth can buy the bliss
Of rest after tiring labor!
When all is said and done, you find
That how soever you may try,
Never can wealth give all want
There are many, money can’t buy!